Some fantastic events and ideas came across to mark International Women’s Day. It is also so wonderful that more and more countries are participating but sadly it is still not enough as there are many regions of the world who show little regard for equality.

As for me, I was doing my bit at the Royal College of Surgeons event in London. It is a pity that we need such a day to highlight the role and success of women, but even in the UK there is a long road toward gender equality. The Independent has an excellent piece on International Women’s Day has marked the plight and achievements of women for more than a century – but is now looking ahead another 15 years to the world’s gender equality goals.

Themed this year around “Planet 50-50 by 2030”, the United Nations-backed event will be celebrating women’s rights in more than 40 countries.

It will look at how to ensure the 2030 Agenda – which positions women’s empowerment as at the centre of global sustainability plans – can be concretely achieved over the coming years.

Yet the idea itself dates back more than 100 years, and has had various reasons for becoming the established celebration that it is today.

Check out The Independent piece.