Cancer in the Headlines

Cancer in the Headlines

A new cancer treatment strategy is on the horizon that experts say could be a game-changer and spare patients the extreme side effects of existing options such as chemotherapy. Chemotherapy and other current cancer treatments are brutal, scorched-earth affairs that...
Cancer Research UK Summary Updates

Cancer Research UK Summary Updates

There have been several updates from Cancer Research UK, so here is a brief summary. 5 Type of Prostate Cancer Cancer Research UK scientists have for the first time identified that there are 5 distinct types of prostate cancer and found a way to distinguish between...
Burton Hospital scores in Men’s Health

Burton Hospital scores in Men’s Health

The successful launch of an Employee Wellbeing Campaign at Burton Albion’s Pirelli Stadium looks set to inspire follow up events helping local men stay healthy, reports Burton Hospital website. The East Staffs Health and Wellbeing Group, including the Chamber of...
Please help fight cancer globally

Please help fight cancer globally

It is so wonderful to see people participating in all kinds of fund raising activities to raise money for worthwhile causes. Recently, with the magic of digital media it is so easy to connect to any cause and support those who are actually proactive to make a...
Addressing sexism in medicine?

Addressing sexism in medicine?

A blog to expose some of the worst examples of sexism in Hollywood has become an enormous hit simply due to the incredible number of contributions; all remaining anonymous because of “fear of retaliation.” Published on the canvas of the social media platform Tumblr,...