Please help fight cancer globally

Please help fight cancer globally

It is so wonderful to see people participating in all kinds of fund raising activities to raise money for worthwhile causes. Recently, with the magic of digital media it is so easy to connect to any cause and support those who are actually proactive to make a...
Healthy lifestyle & bowel cancer survival

Healthy lifestyle & bowel cancer survival

UK researchers claim living a healthy lifestyle before diagnosis could improve a persons chances of surviving bowel cancer. Findings from Imperial College London suggest eating a balanced diet, keeping physically active and maintaining a healthy weight were associated...
Skin cancer in pensioners

Skin cancer in pensioners

People over 65 are around seven times more likely to develop malignant melanoma compared to 40 years ago, according to new figures released by Cancer Research UK. The most recent figures show that on average around 5,700 pensioners are now diagnosed with melanoma each...
0.5m children predicted to die from smoking

0.5m children predicted to die from smoking

Around 500,000 children will die from smoking when they are adults unless smoking rates are cut according to new Cancer Research UK figures. Around 500,000* children will die from smoking when they are adults unless more is done to cut smoking rates according to new...
HRT Cancer Risk

HRT Cancer Risk

  Hormone replacement therapy for less than five years increases ovarian cancer risk | Cancer Research UK Ovarian cancer is slightly more common among women who take hormone replacement therapy (HRT), even for short amounts of time, according to the largest...